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We are so glad you are checking out ChoiceOne. We are happy to answer any questions you have.  For your convenience, here is a list of the most asked questions. But if we missed one of your questions, or you just want more information, please use the contact form below or call us directly and we would be delighted to chat!

  • ChoiceOne is a Christian organization designed to unconditionally love women in our community struggling with sexual health issues that leave them...​​

    • vulnerable to and/or struggling through an unintended pregnancy,​ (many of which are college-aged and teenagers).

    • vulnerable to undiagnosed life-threatening sexually transmitted infections

  • CO serves many of our Latina community who are limited by language and immigration status. 

  • As a woman's center, whose operational leadership is all women,  we understand the multifaceted nature of being uniquely female! So we offer services that are intuitively designed to minister to a woman's heart, mind, body, and soul at any age or in any circumstance.

  • As women helping women...we provide a safe place for women to be free to be themselves.

  • Our goal, in service delivery, is to make women and girls feel comfortable and safe by offering services, education, and support that meet their individual and specific needs. 

  • Our mission is to reflect the example of love offered by Jesus to the Woman at the Well. 

We Wait For Her... We Love Her Unconditionally... We Tell Her The Truth...​

We Offer Her Living Water!

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